Assalamualaikum temEnd-tEmenD... mET dateng di bl0g aQ yua.. jangan lUpa tinggalin koment amu....^^


hari rabu,,,
sedikit banyak bisa bernafas lega,,, alhamdulillah,,,,,

tugas yang merajarela juga akhirnya bisa terselesaikan,, entahlah apa yang membuatku jadi bersemangat seperti ini,,,,

wew,, mu ngetik banyak malah jadi tutor dadakan,,, wkwkwkwkw,, maklum lah waktu ku ngetik ne postingan lagi ada di puskom,, hm,, praktik buat blog gitu dueh,,,
hmmm,,, jadi inget blog wordpressQ<, pa kabar ya,,, dah lama gak ku tengok,,, wkwkwkw..

love is....

"Love is patient, love is kind, and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant, does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered, does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things."

--Paul in I Corinthians 13:4-7

"Love does no wrong to a neighbor; love therefore is the fulfillment of the law."

--Paul in Romans 13:10

"Love is considered the most basic emotion that human awareness can feel; therefore, it is the closest to the source of life."

--Deepak Chopra in Ageless Body, Timeless Mind

Education Problems in Public Schools

The first and foremost educational problem of public schools is the larger school size and student population. On an average, most public schools are twice the size of private schools. According to a study, public schools have an average of 16 students per teacher, whereas private schools have an average of 13 students per teacher. This may be due to free education offered in public schools. Whatever may be the reason, students of public schools receive less individual attention, as compared to private school students.

Since public school education is free, the academic curricula and programs may not be as refined as those of private schools. Usually, they offer the same programs and standardized tests for all the students. In short, what the students learn in public schools is decided by the state. On the other hand, private schools offer alternative curricula and have their own assessment system.

makalah pendekatan dalam memahami agama

Dewasa ini kehadiran agama semakin dituntut agar ikut terlibat secara aktif dalam memecahkan berbagai masalah yang dihadapi umat manusia. Agama tidak boleh hanya sekedar menjadi lambang kesalehan atau berhenti sekedar disampaikan dalam khotbah, melainkan secara konsepsional menunjukkan cara-cara yang paling efektif dalam memecahkan masalah.
Tuntutan terhadap agama yang demikian itu dapat dijawab manakala pemahaman agama yang selama ini banyak menggunakan pendekatan teologis normative dilengkapi dengan pemahaman agama yang menggunakan pendekatan lain, yang secara oprasional konseptual, dapat memberikan jawaban terhadap masalah yang timbul.
Berkenaan dengan pemikiran diatas, maka pada bab ini pembaca akan diajak untuk mengkaji berbagai pendekatan yang dapat digunakan dalam memahami agama. Hal demikian perlu dilakukan, karena malalui pendekatan tersebut kehadiran agama secara fungsional dapat dirasakan oleh penganutnya, sebaliknya tanpa mengetahui berbagai pendekatan tersebut, tidak mustahil agama menjadi sulit dipahami oleh masyarakat tidak fungsional, dan akhinya masyarakat mencari pemecahan masalah kepada selain agama, dan hal ini tidak boleh terjadi.
Berbagai pemdekatan tersebut meliputi pendekatan teologis normative filosofis. Tapi disini tim penulis hanay menguraikan tentang pendekatan sosiologi, filosofis, historis, psikologi dan kebudayaan karena pendekatan yang lain sudah dijelaskan pada bab pendekatan didalam memahami.
Adapun yang dimaksud dengan pendekatan disini adalah cara pandang atau paradigma yang terdapat dalam suatu bidang ilmu yang selanjutnya digunakan dalam memahami agama. Dalam hubungan ini Jalaluddin Rahmad mengatakan bahwa agama dapat diteliti dengan menggunakan berbagai paradigma. Raelitas keamanan yang diungkapkan mempunyai nilai kebenaran sesuai dengan kerangka paradigmanya, karena itu tidak ada persoalan apakah penelitian agama itu penelitian ilmu social, penelitian legalistic atau penelitian filosofis.


In phonology, minimal pairs are pairs of words or phrases in a particular language, which differ in only one phonological element, such as a phone, phoneme, toneme or chroneme and have a distinct meaning. They are used to demonstrate that two phones constitute two separate phonemes in the language.

As an example for English vowels, the pair "let" + "lit" can be used to demonstrate that the phones [ɛ] (in let) and [ɪ] (in lit) do in fact represent distinct phonemes /ɛ/ and /ɪ/. An example for English consonants is the minimal pair of "pat" + "bat". In phonetics, this pair, like any other, differs in number of ways. In this case, the contrast appears largely to be conveyed with a difference in the voice onset time of the initial consonant as the configuration of the mouth is same for [p] and [b]; however, there is also a possible difference in duration, which visual analysis using high quality video supports.


Morphology is the study of the forms of words, and the ways in which words are related to other words of the same language. It is about the rules for word formation in a language.

Morpheme is the smallest meaningful linguistic unit. Many words have two or more syllables but only one morpheme.
• Banana. This word has 1 morpheme.
• Unbreakable. This word has 3 morphemes (un-break-able).

There are two basic types of morphemes:
1. Bound morpheme is a morpheme that must be attached to another element and cannot stand alone. They need suffix or affix to attach them.
• Capitalism (capital-ism)
• Unforgettable(un-forget-able)
• Rewrite(re-write)

Two classes of bound morphemes:
a. Inflectional morphemes is to modify grammatical of word , changes in number, person, and tense but do not shift the base word. An inflectional morpheme creates a change in the function of the word.
The word "cats" from cat and adding "s". It is still noun, even though we added "s". It only changes from singular to plural noun.
b. Derivational morpheme is to modify a word according to its lexical and grammatical class. This type of morpheme changes the meaning of the word or the part of speech or both and often creates new words.
The word reading from the word read and suffix -ing. Read is verb and with suffix -ing , it become noun.

2. Free/ Unbound morpheme is a morpheme that can be a word by itself and can stand alone.
Examples: eat, big, hard, etc.

From those theories above, we can analyze those words which contain the morphemes.

  • Helpful
  • This word has 2 morphemes (help-ful)
  • Help is free morpheme and suffix -ful is bound morpheme.
  • It is including the derivational morpheme because help is a verb and with suffix -ful it become adjective.

Allomorph is a variant form of a morpheme. The meaning remains the same, while the sound and in shape or pronunciation according to its condition of use can vary. The final morphemes in the following words are pronounced differently, but they all indicate plurality: dogs, cats, and horses.
  •  English indefinite article has 2 allomorphs: a and an
  •  English plural has 3 allomorphs: cats, dogs, horses.

hidup itu seperti kupu-kupu ya...

Hidup ini begitu singkat.
Kita bagaikan ulat yang hampir menyelesaikan metamorfose untuk menjadi kupu kupu bersayap indah dan tiap pribadinya mempunyai sayap yang berbeda, beda bentuk dan warna.
Sesaat lagi kita akan terbang mengepakkan sayap tersebut ke arah tujuan yang berbeda.
Namun, kemana pun kita terbang nanti, ku harap kita akan selalu ingat sbt bersama menjadi ulat dan kepompong.
Meskipun menatap ke depan, masa lalu akan menjadi kenangan terindah bagi kita.

sahabat dan ciNta

Persahabatan itu seperti rumput ilalang..
Terjalin erat, saling menunjang.,
Tak pernah binasa meski terik matahari dan samudra pasang..
Kasih itu seperti angin,selalu memberi tak pernah meminta..
Ada dimanmpun dan dalam keadaan apapun..
Cinta itu seperti bambu bambu..
Kokoh,teduh dan selalu bertunas..
Memberi kehangatan dan kedamaian..
Karena itu, hidup adalah cinta, kasih dan persahabatan...

Sabar ea

Kuliah itU capek..
Bener kan..?
Dari rumah jam 07.00 terus kuliah selesai jam 12.30., belum ngerjain tugas-tugas yang ada, nyampe rumah lagi paling cepet jam 3..
Belum lg aktifitas rumah yang semakin lama semakin menyita waktu..
Tambahan pula, menyisakan waktu untuk si "dia" yang tak mungkin bisa diabaikan..
Hm..bener-bener melelahkan...,hingga terkadang waktu istirahat pun berkurang..
Tapi ini lah hidup, harus dijalani setiap hari dan setiap waktu...
Tapi,makin hari makin menyadari koq,ini semua pasti ada manfaatnya yang harus senantiasa disyukuri keberadaannya.. Is it right..?