Assalamualaikum temEnd-tEmenD... mET dateng di bl0g aQ yua.. jangan lUpa tinggalin koment amu....^^


Disusun oleh :
1. Aan Rianti (0844517)
2. Nanik Sugiarti (0845807)


1. Pengertian Tasawuf

Tasawuf adalah khasanah keagamaan Islam yang sudah ada semenjak Rasulluloh SAW, walaupun dalam perkembangan berikutnya bentuk dan corak tasawuf itu berbeda dengan yang pernah dipraktekan oleh Rasulluloh SAW. Dari segi bahasa terdapat sejumlah kata atau istilah yang dihubung-hubungkan para ahli untuk menjelaskan kata tasawuf. Harun Nasution, misalnya menyebutkan lima istilah yang berkenaan dengan tasawuf, yaitu al-suffah ( ahl al-suffah) yaitu orang yang ikut pindah dengan Nabi dari Mekkah ke Madinah, saf (barisan dalam sholat), sufi (suci), sophos (bahasa Yunani: hikmat), dan suf ( kain yang dibuat dari kain wol). Keseluruhan kata-kata ini bisa saja dihubungkan dengan tasawuf.

semantics: The Analysis of Implicature Types


Below are examples and analyses for each conversation in conversational implicature:

a) Diana : Will Jeni be at the meeting this morning?
    Rosa : Her car broke down.

   What “Rosa” implicature : Sally will not be at the meeting.
   Reasoning : We know that when people’s car broke down, often they can not get to work or can not get there on time.

b) Sandy : Do you have lunch?
    Adi : I have many works now.

    What “Adi” implicature : Arman have not lunch yet.
    Reasoning : Adi’s answer is “I have many works now”. This statement shows that he is still busy, so he has not lunch yet.

semantics: The Analysis of Ambiguity Types

1. Semantic Ambiguity

1) Headline : I am shaking hands with my friends.
  • Ambiguity type: Semantic.
  • Identification and explanation: the homograph “shake” can be interpreted as a noun meaning move quickly from side to side, up and down or take hand and move it up and down as a greeting. Likewise, the homograph “hand” can be interpreted as a noun meaning body parts.
  • What makes headline humorous: the headline can easily be read as our hand moves quickly from side to side, we and down.
  • Computational Resolution: The ambiguity could be resolved for a computer parser by specifying in the lexical entry for each item its semantic features.